Tipps and Tricks
Tipps and Tricks¶
useful hacks, and notes for next iterations of this project
Plotting results
histograms are powerful because they don’t collapse either time or space
raindrop plots are powerful as they show all individual points
examples in the python graph gallery
Python virtual environment
To make and actiavte a python virtual environment, use the following two lines:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
To generate a
fileOption 1:
pip freeze
.Option 2: Pipreqs automatically detects what libraries are actually used in a codebase.
Python local pip install
make sure to have an init.py file in the src directory
also make sure to have a setup.py file
Navigate to root directory and run:
pip install -e .
Python ipykernal allows to install kernals from python and conda environments
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=<my_env>
VIM: create and edit python files in the Terminal
vim <file name>.py
search and replacei
insertion modedoesn’t leave a mess in the terminal after closing
alternative to
Cookiecutter as template for repos.
Debugging scripst
can replace `import pdb; pdb.set_trace()``python -m pdb <script name>
runs a script with pdb. pressc
for continue when the script is loaded. This will allow you to be in the pdb when the code crashes.
Neuro Maps allows to compare the pearsonr and p-value between two nifti files
The Good Research Blog shows how to do a local pip install (and much more)
writing good code
github copilot
sourcery automatically suggests improvements
can I describe the function in one line
About the Author¶
: Jonas MagoContact
: jonas.h.mago@gmail.comAffiliation
: McGill UniversityBackground
: My background is in neuroimaging (EEG, fMRI), cognitive sciecnes, Active Inference, and Philosophy. After a BA in Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University College at Maastricht University and an MSc in Mind, Language, and Embodied Cognition at the University of Edinburgh, I am now pursuing my PhD at McGill University.General Interests
: I am using the Active Infernece framework to study the predictive and bayesian mechanics undrelying contemplative practices such as prayer, meditation, and psychedlics. Specifically, I work with (A) expert meditators from the Theravaden tradition that are able to enter absorption states called Jhana at will, (B) Charismatic Christian Prayer practitioners, and (C) experiences of entity encounters under the influnece of DMT.